
Dr. Aziz Mountassir of Humanity and Creativity from Morocco Why Dr. Aziz Mountassir is an International Ambassador for Creativity and Humanit?

z Mountassir of Humanity and Creativity from Morocco 

Why Dr. Aziz Mountassir is an International Ambassador
for Creativity and Humanity?

Countless Certificates bestowed upon him ensures
affirmation of him being an International Ambassador for Creativity and Humanity, International Goodwill Ambassador, International Humanitarian Ambassador.

Dr. Aziz establishes a far from being a
run-of-the-mill international creativity and humanity organization, with genuine and noble undertakings. IFCH prides itself
as having full support from the Ministry of Interior in the Kingdom of Morocco.

A person of integrity he took the process of obtaining a doctorate. After submitting a thesis on Peace, in the Peace Academy, he passed and got approved and bestowed upon him a Ph. D. certificate which he is proud of. After which he has received more than 20 Honorary Doctorates and high honors due to his literary work and service to humanity. 

The World Federation Germany of Goodwill Ambassadors has
recognized his significance with a Certificate of Goodwill Ambassador from Morocco. He passionately devotes his global acclaim to serve as a humanist and humanitarian leader and an ambassador of Humanity, creativity, and peace.

With innate goodness, sincerity, commitment, and a heart that pulsate and throbs with his advocacies, Dr. Aziz provides help all the time in any situation without expecting any returns. He has donated most of his money for the sake of Humanity and Creativity until today. He seldom shares to just anyone all his achievements in real life. He sits in the café alone. Not being arrogant but just avoiding frivolous discussions about acidic work (his own words) that aims about money using poetry. He works with people who have good reputations and try to avoid those who only want to know what is he doing and just want to get close to him to take advantage of him. His close friends know him well. And one of his most special friends and a big brother to him is Mr. William S. Peters Sr. of the Inner Child Press and his sister who visits him once a year.
He does not like arrogant and racist people. He believes that we must be people of humility and we are all equal human beings of character and colors must not disunite us. Whatever nationalities you belong does not concerns him at all.
Dr. Aziz Mountassir is the:
*President of International Forum of Creativity and
           * Ambassador of
Inner Child Press Washington in North Africa.
* Ambassador of WIP (Nigeria) in Morrocco
*Coordinator of the Arab Media Network in Morocco
*Membre and coordinator in Morrocco North Africa of

*Ambassador of (Chaudhary Art trust Hindia) and President
of the Suprême council for art peace and Humanity 

*Coordinator in North Africa of UWMC (United World
Movement Children)
*Ambassador of Humanity Mission and Peace in Morrocco.
*Vice-Président of the President for World Union of Poets
(Silvano Bortolazzi)

He participated in 5 poetry international anthologies
He has 6 Poetry book collections in Arabic: The Sad
Melody, Play Waiting, Double Play and Pain, and Scratches on the Waiting Face.
As Much as Fancy Comes Reproaching is the title of his new poetry work, which
is in print. His poems have been translated into various languages, including
Amazigh, French, Spanish, Italian, Serbian, Slovaquie language Chinois, Germany,
English, Filipino, cordien, and Japanese. Mario Rigli, a renowned Italian poet
and painter, has translated some of his poems and sang it as a musical
composition together with the well-known Italian composer, Fabio Martoglio.

Aziz has been an invitee to a large number of cultural
conferences and international poetry festivals Dubaï, Romania, Espagne. Egypt,
Tunisie, Chine, Palestine, Hindi, Belgique
Dr. Azi

هو شاعر مغربي من مواليد مدينة الدار البيضاء المغرب  حاصل على الإجازة في الأدب العربي  مارس مهنة التدريس كأستاذ  لغة عربية حديث في   شعره   وتجاوز التقليد في لغته وبنيته وموضوعاته .  أحب الناس وخص بحبه ملكه و أهل وطنه  وأحب الوطن العربي قاطبة وتعايش مع  الأجانب  وهو صاحب نظرة مسالمة في حبه للآخرين ومعاشرتهم

هم إصداراته ثنائية العزف والوجع وخدوش على ملمس الانتظار الذي حظي  بحفل توقيع بالمعرض الدولي للكتاب بالشارقة بالامارات العربية  وديوان على قدر الهوى يأتي العتاب وديوان  الصمت عنوان التخلي ( صمت فيروزي) وديوان للقدر كلمة أخرى وهناك  دواوين اخرى قيد الطبع  .... وشارك في مجموعة دواوين عالمية كثيرة .ترجمت قصائده إلى أكثر من 11 لغة الفرنسيه الإيطالية الالمانية الهنديه الألبانية الفلبينية التركية الصينية الأمازيغية الصربية السلوفاكية الكردية  الإنجليزية اليابانية ...

ترجم له الشاعر الايطاليMario rigli ثلاثة قصائد  الإيطالية وغناها الموسيقار الايطالي الكبير Fabio Martoglio
استدعي لأكبر المؤتمرات والمهرجانات الثقافية داخل الوطن خارجه .
حاصل على شهادة سفير النوايا الحسنة من الفدرالية العالمية بألمانيا
 له  ذروع وطنية وعربية  وأوسمة عالمية كقائد انساني وسفير الابداع والسلام والتعايش وسفير الخير الإنساني ...
وهو مؤسس ورئيس عام للمنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية بالمملكة المغربية
وسفير الإبداع الإنسانية في المغرب وشمال أفريقيا لمؤسسة انيير تشيلد بريس الأمريكية .
نائب رئيس الاتحاد العالمي للشعراء
ومدير مكتب المغرب للشبكة العربية للإعلام 
وسفير  لمنظمة WIP  النيجيرية   الخاصة بنشر السلم والسلام
ومنظمة السلام العالمي وحقوق الانسان
وسفير  للحركة العالمية لحماية الأطفال UWMC  بشمال افريقيا والمغرب
وعضو بمنظمة السلام بايطاليا
عضو بالسلام العالمي والمهمة الإنسانية بالهند 
يتبع ...

