
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS By H.E. Chairman Michael Puzzolante THE KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS 8 Eu Tong Sen Street, Suite 18-81, The Central, Singapore 059818- UEN: 201724697H THE CONSTITUTION OF THE KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS

THE KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS By H.E. Chairman Michael Puzzolante
8 Eu Tong Sen Street, Suite 18-81, The Central, Singapore 059818- UEN: 201724697H
www.kingdom-of-atlantis.com - cob@kingdom-of-atlantis.com
  We, the Citizens of The Kingdom of Atlantis in the exercise of our own Sovereignty and willing to study and practice the Atlantean Metaphysics in order to attain Higher Levels of Consciousness to efficiently implement the Sustainable Development Goals
 in our Nation and Globally, hereby declare ourselves to be:
 DETERMINED to reach Higher Levels of Consciousness in order to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can
 fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.
 EAGER to reach Higher Levels of Consciousness in order to protect Planet Earth from degradation, through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it
 can support the needs of the present and future generations.
 RESOLVED to reach Higher Levels of Consciousness in order to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social,
 environmental and technological progress occurs in harmony with Mother Nature.
 WILLING to reach Higher Levels of Consciousness in order to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no Sustainable Development without peace and no peace without Sustainable
 PREPARED to reach Higher Levels of Consciousness in order to implement the Education Program in Atlantean Metaphysics and Sustainable Development Worldwide so that all Human Beings are fully Aware and Conscious of their
 Responsibilities and Duties.
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1. TheofficialnamesshallbeTheKingdomofAtlantisandAtlanteanCitizen. ARTICLE 2: FOUNDING PRINCIPLES
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     The Kingdom of Atlantis is founded on the principles of the Atlantean Metaphysics and Sustainable Development, which will both ensure the
 safeguard and survival of all Human Beings and Living Forms on Planet Earth:
  Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere;
 Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture;
  Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages;
 Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all;
  Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls;
 Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation
for all;
  Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for
 Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and
productive employment and decent work for all;
  Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation;
  Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries;
 Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and
  Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns;
 Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;
 Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development;
  Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss;
  Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive
institutions at all levels;
  Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global
partnership for sustainable development.
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1. TheKingdomofAtlantisshallbeaConstitutionalMonarchy.
2. EnglishshallbetheofficiallanguageofTheKingdomofAtlantis. ARTICLE 6: PRINCIPAL OF LAW
 The 01st of January 2021, negotiations have been started with the Republic of Maldives to establish the Sovereign Territory of The Kingdom of Atlantis on the Ihavan Atoll located at the top North of the Republic of Maldives, which represent a total area of 55,000 Hectares including its Exclusive Economic
 The Sovereign Territory of The Kingdom of Atlantis is composed of several reefs representing a constructible area above water of 3,000 Hectares and 3,000 Hectares underwater. The totality of the 6,000 Hectares development will be leased to Investors and Developers for their own use, as well as hosting the Monarch, his Government and VIPs, in alignment with the Constitution and
 the Sustainable Development Goals.
 The Sovereign Territory of The Kingdom of Atlantis is located on the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Maldives and Diplomatic and Trade Relations will be developed in order to create a strong cooperation between both Nations. Priority will be given to the Citizens of the Republic of Maldives in terms of employments and sourcing of Goods and Services to The
 Kingdom of Atlantis.
 The Sovereign Territory of The Kingdom of Atlantis shall include other
 locations Worldwide.
      This Constitution, in accordance with the Atlantean Metaphysics created by H.E. Chairman Michael Puzzolante and the Sustainable Development Goals issued by the United Nations, shall be binding on all the Members of the Government and its Institutions, as well as upon all Atlantean Citizens and
 The Kingdom of Atlantis recognizes the principles of the Atlantean Metaphysics and the Sustainable Development Goals that are based on Ethics, Reason, Equality, Liberty, Fraternity, Accountability of public institutions, the right of all Atlantean Citizens to Life, the pursuit of happiness and prosperity and the responsibility of all Atlantean Citizens to protect all Lifeforms and
 Planet Earth from degradation.
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  The Kingdom of Atlantis, in alignment with the Atlantean Metaphysics and the
 Sustainable Development Goals, recognizes human dignity to be inalienable and therefore seeks to maintain and guarantee the inviolable rights of the individual, which constitute the foundation of political order, peace, and social justice. The enumeration of rights herein is to be construed as illustrative, not exhaustive. Any right not explicitly or by implication ceded to The Kingdom of Atlantis is
 retained by the individual.
  All Atlantean Citizens are equal before the Law. No court or Government agent shall be permitted to discriminate against any Atlantean Citizen on the basis of birth, sex, origin, or religion as per the Atlantean Metaphysics and the
 Sustainable Development Goals.
 No public authority shall create conditions that substantially abridge the equality or liberty of Atlantean Citizens, except where such individuals are held awaiting
 trial or have been convicted of a crime.
 All Atlantean Citizens shall be educated on the Atlantean Metaphysics and the Sustainable Development Goals and are expected to demonstrate the resulting Ethical Behaviour in their life. It is understood that lack of education is the
 reason why Humanity, Life Forms and Planet Earth are at risk today.
  No Law shall substantially abridge expression, communication, or exchange of
 Censorship or any other means of ideological control by Law or decree of any
 Government actor or agent shall be prohibited.
 The right of Atlantean Citizens to assemble for any lawful purpose shall not be abridged, except to the extent necessary in order to prevent excessive infringement upon the free movement of goods or people, personal injury, or
 property damage.
 The right to associate for lawful purposes, and to create and maintain
 managerial, professional, or trade associations shall not be abridged.
 Any Atlantean Citizen with direct interest in a matter, shall have the right to
 petition public authorities.
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 Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are necessary in order to maintain public safety, order, health, and
 for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.
 The Kingdom of Atlantis shall not establish an official religion, nor require any
 person to disclose his or her religion or religious beliefs.
  All Atlantean Citizens have the right to physical and moral integrity, No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel or inhumane punishment. Instead,
 individuals shall receive psychological and educational assistance when in need.
 It is understood that criminality is the result of lack of education and torture and inhumane punishment do not rehabilitate the criminal but instead reinforce
 his vengeance against the Society.
 All Atlantean Citizens have the right to receive a proper education that will teach them what is right and what is wrong in order to live an Ethical and
 prosperous life.
 All Atlantean Citizens are fully responsible for their acts and should they be involved in any criminal activity, as defined by The Kingdom of Atlantis Law,
 they will be judged by the competent Tribunal and execute their sentence.
  No Atlantean Citizen shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedures as are established by the
 Constitution and the Laws duly passed in accordance with it.
 Death penalty is not supported by the Kingdom of Atlantis, as this act is in total contradiction with the Atlantean Metaphysics and the Sustainable Development Goals. Instead, a Rehabilitation Program, to be established by Law, will be administered to the faulty person and should he demonstrate no changes in his Ethical Behaviour, the faulty person will be expulsed from the Kingdom of
 Executive detention shall take no longer than such a time as is reasonably necessary in order to carry out those inquiries necessary to determine whether probable cause exits. In all cases, the detained shall be brought before a judge
 within 72 hours of being brought into custody.
 The Law shall establish a procedure in order that detained will be informed of the charges against him or her, and that the Court may determine the lawfulness of the detention. The Law shall establish a procedure to restore any
 fundamental rights compromised by the detention of a person.
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No Atlantean Citizen shall be held criminally or administratively liable for any act or omission that was lawful at the time the act or omission occurred. No bill
 of attainder shall be passed.
 No Atlantean Citizen shall twice be put in jeopardy of life, limb or deprivation
 of property for the same offense.
 No Atlantean Citizen shall be forced to testify against himself in a criminal or administrative proceeding. No Atlantean Citizen shall be held criminally or civilly liable on the basis of the witness testimony without opportunity to cross
 examine the witness.
  All Atlantean Citizens have right to jurisprudence and to have a ruling founded in the Law and to trial with due process before an impartial tribunal. Any person accused of a felony shall have the right to a jury trial. In criminal cases,
 the accused shall have the right to competent counsel and a prompt public trial.
  No Atlantean Citizen may enter a dwelling or any premises against the will of
 the owner unless a lawful warrant, supported by probable cause, is first issued.
 The expectation of privacy of communication within the dwelling or other
 premises shall be maintained, except upon a reasoned court order.
 The right to financial and banking secrecy shall be protected by Law, and disclosure only permitted to the extend necessary to protect litigants from prejudice, or upon a court order determining the existence or probable cause that a crime has been committed and that the ordered degree of financial disclosure will more likely than not aid in bringing further crime to light or
 bringing the perpetrator of the crime to justice.
  No act committed on foreign soil shall be prosecuted in The Kingdom of Atlantis, unless the act substantially abridges the rights or privileges of an
 Atlantean Citizen or compromises the integrity of the Government.
 No Atlantean Citizen shall be extradited for a crime unless the act or acts of which a person is accused constitutes a felony as defined by The Kingdom of
 Atlantis Law.
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 No tax shall be assessed based primarily upon the amount of an Atlantean Citizen’s income, wages, earnings or property holdings, nor shall any tax be
 assessed as a portion of corporate profits.
 No Atlantean Citizen shall be deprived of property without just compensation,
 or, in case of criminal or civil penalties, without due process of Law.
    Weapons of all sorts are prohibited in The Kingdom of Atlantis except for the Authorized Security Personnel and for security reasons only. Weapon means anything used, designed to be used, or intended for use in causing death or injury to any Atlantean Citizen, or for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any Atlantean Citizen and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing includes a firearm. The Board of Governors will establish a specific
 Law on this subject.
 Drugs of all sorts are prohibited in The Kingdom of Atlantis except for medical use and only for pain relief. Drugs are degrading Human Beings and this is in total contradiction with the Atlantean Metaphysics and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Board of Governors will establish a specific Law on
 this subject.
 Prostitution of all sort is prohibited in The Kingdom of Atlantis. Prostitution degrades women, men and children and those who are using it and this is in total contradiction with the Atlantean Metaphysics and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Board of Governors will establish a specific Law on
 this subject.
 Briberies and Corruptions of all sorts are prohibited in The Kingdom of Atlantis. Briberies and Corruptions are the source of unfair business, financial irregularities, economic collapse and inequalities between Atlantean Citizens, which is in total contradiction with the Atlantean Metaphysics and the
 Sustainable Development Goals.
The Board of Governors will establish a
  specific Law on this subject.
   A Kingdom, as an institution, predates the formation of The Kingdom of Atlantis. The selection of this form of Government is based on the historical stability, as well as its ability to provide continuity, create an atmosphere of security, and safeguard the wealth of all Atlantean Citizens and visitors from
 excessive taxation and redistribution.
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 The Reigning Monarch shall be known as the King or the Queen, and is the symbol and guarantor of the security, continuity, and independence of The
 Kingdom of Atlantis.
  The Reigning Monarch sees that the Constitution is followed without deviations by the Governmental Staff, including the Board of Governors, the Board of
 Secretaries, the Board of Officers as well as all Atlantean Citizens.
 The Reigning Monarch is the Chairman of the Board. He is the most powerful
 member on the Board of Governors and provides leadership to the Governors.
 The Reigning Monarch shall have full authority to appoint and dismiss the State
 Ministers, Governors, Secretaries and Officers designated in this Constitution.
 The Reigning Monarch shall appoint and accredit Ambassadors to foreign
 states and shall receive credentials of foreign representatives.
 The Reigning Monarch may exercise the prerogative of Grace and Will.
 The Reigning Monarch may bestow titles and honours for exceptional deeds or
 services beneficial to The Kingdom of Atlantis.
 The Reigning Monarch may appoint and remove members of the Board of Governors, Secretaries and Officers in accordance with Article 18 of this
 The Reigning Monarch may express approval or disapproval of proposed treaties, and may bargain the terms contained therein, pending ratification by
 two-thirds vote of the Board of Governors.
 The Reigning Monarch shall be immune from suit, except to the extent that a
 suit is brought for the purpose of enforcing the terms of this Constitution.
  The throne shall be inherited by the descendants of Reigning Monarch.
 On the demise or resignation of the Reigning Monarch the throne shall pass to the Queen or Prince or Princess, with a preference for the eldest over younger
 Prince or Princess.
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Where one of the Reigning Monarch’s children has died, the issue of the deceased shall take his place in accordance with the lineal descent and the rules
 provided in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article.
 On the demise of the Reigning Monarch who has left no issue entitled to succeed to the throne, the throne shall pass to the Queen or a Prince or a
 If the Reigning Monarch’s designated successor is younger than eighteen years of age at the time of the Reigning Monarch’s death or resignation, the person next in line to the throne who is at least eighteen years of age shall rule in the stead of the designated successor until such time as the designated successor
 attains the age of eighteen years.
 Any issues to do with succession of The Kingdom of Atlantis will be settled by
 a unanimous vote of the Board of Governors before the Coronation.
    The Board of Governors, the Board of Secretaries and the Board of Officers shall be responsible for carrying out the functions of the Government, and delivering the Goods and Services to the Atlantean Citizens, based on the Government Organizational Structure of The Kingdom of Atlantis. Individual members of the Board of Governors, Board of Secretaries and Board of Officers shall be responsible for their respective Divisions, Departments and Sections and, in that function, report directly to the Prime Minister or Deputy
 Prime Minister, who ultimately will report to the Reigning Monarch.
 The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister are the sole Senior Governors who have authority to report directly to the Reigning Monarch and are in charge of the entire Government Organizational Structure, including its
 establishment and daily operation.
  The Board of Governors, including the Reigning Monarch as the Chairman of the Board, shall consist of the following members, who may be referred to as
  Prime Minister,
 Management Minister,
 Citizenship Minister,
 Sustainable Development Minister,
 State Chief of Staff,
 State Minister of Foreign Affairs,
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  State Minister of Finance,
 State Minister of Public Relations,
 State Minister of Education,
 State Minister of Estates,
 State Minister of Interior,
 State Minister of Legal Affairs,
 State Minister of Information and Media,
 State Attorney General.
The Governors are in charge of the Divisions, Departments and Sections under
 their responsibility and will be assisted by Deputy Ministers.
 The Board of Secretaries shall consist of the following members, who may be
 referred to as Secretaries:
  Executive Secretary,
 Establishment Secretary,
 Promotion Secretary,
 Treasury Secretary,
 Citizenship Secretary,
 Certification Secretary,
 SDGs Internal Secretary, SDGs External Secretary,
 SGDs Partners Secretary.
The Secretaries are in charge of the Departments and Sections under their
 responsibility and will be assisted by Deputy Secretaries.
 The Board of Officers shall consist of the following members, who may be
 referred to as Officers:
  Human Resources Officer,
 Information Technology Officer,
 Inspections & Reports Officer,
 Promotion & Marketing Officer,
 Digital Media Officer,
 Sales Officer,
 Income Officer,
 Disbursement Officer,
 Records & Assets Officer,
 Citizen Education Officer (Education for Atlantean Metaphysics and SDGs),
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 Corporations and Licenses Officer,
 Leasehold Agreement Officer,
 Examinations Officer,
 Review Officer,
 Certifications Officer,
 Social Affairs Officer,
 Economic Development Officer,
 Environment Officer,
 Public Relations Officer,
 Embassies Officer,
 New Citizens Officer,
 United Nations Relations Officer,
 Transfer of Knowledge Officer,
 New Civilization Officer.
The Officers are in charge of the Sections under their responsibility.
 The Reigning Monarch, acting as the Chairman of the Board of Governors, may, at any time, remove any State Minister, Governor, Secretary and Officer, under his responsibility, from his or her post. Titles bestowed for services or deed, however, shall remain with the holder unless revoked due to commission
 of treason or a felony.
  It is the power of the Board of Governors to propose and to approve any Law otherwise consistent with this Constitution, the Atlantean Metaphysics and the Sustainable Development Goals. Any legislation so approved shall be submitted by the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister to the Reigning Monarch for approval. Should the Reigning Monarch submit notice of disapproval of the legislation within ten days of its passage, the Board of Governors shall again vote on the legislation after a period of ten days has elapsed after such notification. Should the Board of Directors approve the legislation a second time, the legislation shall become Law notwithstanding the Reigning Monarch’s
 The Board of Governors shall provide for the promulgation of all Laws passed by the same. No Law shall take effect until such date as provided in the legislation and, in no case except a bona fide emergency, shall any Law take effect until a period of ten days elapses after promulgation. Promulgation shall
 take place by such method appointed by Law.
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 The Board of Governors shall have the power to provide for the protection and management of land, water, flora, and fauna to the extent that such legislation remains consistent with this Constitution, the Atlantean Metaphysics and the
 Sustainable Development Goals.
 The Board of Governors shall have the power to establish building codes and zoning regulations to the extent necessary to protect the Atlantean Citizens and visitors from physical danger or property damage, to promote property value, commerce, and tourism, and to the extent necessary to implement Section 1 of
 this Article.
 The Board of Governors shall have the power to create and maintain essential public services, including postal services, utilities, hospitals, educational institutions and transportations services. The Board of Governors may authorize and implement the lease and licensing and conditions upon the lease
 and licensing of any public services included in this Article.
 The Board of Governors shall have the power to license or maintain or sell under such conditions, and as appropriate, media of any and every kind,
 including, but not limited to radio, television, telephone and internet.
 The Board of Governors shall have the power to take reasonable steps to promote the development and conservation of the historical, cultural, and
 artistic heritage of The Kingdom of Atlantis.
 The Board of Governors may establish duties and fees otherwise consistent with this Constitution, and provide for the collection and disbursement of such
 duties and fees.
 The Board of Governors shall have the power to borrow funds from the Central Bank of The Kingdom of Atlantis and to provide for the repayment of
 such borrowed funds to the Central Bank of The Kingdom of Atlantis.
 The Board of Governors shall have the power to define the Budgets necessary
 to the good operation of the Government of The Kingdom of Atlantis.
 The Board of Governors shall be empowered to define and set penalties for crimes to the extent that such power is consistent with the provisions of this
 Constitution, the Atlantean Metaphysics and Sustainable Development Goals.
 The Board of Governors may provide for the establishment of Secretaries and
 Officers to fill the Government Organizational Structure.
 The Board of Governors shall have the power to regulate commerce to the
 extent consistent with other provisions in this Constitution.
 Upon request of the Reigning Monarch, the Board of Governors may, to the extent consistent with other provisions of this Constitution, take necessary steps to promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Atlantean
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 Each Governor shall organize and administrate those Divisions, Departments
 and Sections to which the Governor is assigned by the Reigning Monarch.
    Adjudicative power shall be vested in an Independent Judiciary.
 The Judiciary shall be vested with both the Law and Equity powers, and shall
 decide all cases in controversy and criminal prosecutions.
 The Judiciary shall consist of a High Court and such inferior courts as the
 Board of Governors shall establish.
 All Judges shall be paid compensation from the Department of Treasury.
 All Judges, regardless of rank, shall be appointed by the Reigning Monarch with the approval of the majority of the Board of Governors and shall serve, during good behaviour, for six-year renewable terms. In cases of initial appointments of Judges of any court, Judges may be appointed for terms of less than six years, at the discretion of the Reigning Monarch, for the purpose of promoting continuity by staggering the terms of Judges sitting on the same or parallel
 The office of State Attorney General is not comparable with any other public post, nor with the exercise of active interests in commercial or industrial
  No less than three and no more than seven Justices shall sit on the High Court. In no instance shall a case before the High Court be heard by less than three
 Justices, except with the consent of all parties.
  The High Court shall have original jurisdiction over all cases involving disputes with the Reigning Monarch, Governors, Secretaries and Officers of the Government regarding their respective responsibilities and powers under this
 The High Court shall have either original or elective appellate jurisdiction, as
 established by statute, over any case arising under this Constitution.
 The High Court may elect to take appellate jurisdiction over any case in
 controversy or criminal prosecution.
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It shall be within the discretion of the High Court to hear any case filed in any court where there has been an alleged infringement or imminent infringement or any right guaranteed under Chapter II of this Constitution, regardless of
 whether such case would be designated a “case in controversy”.
 The High Court shall be responsible for administrative, procedural, and ethical
 oversight of all lower courts.
 Decisions of the High Court shall be final and binding on all parties, except in such instances where the High Court may elect to rehear a case, or, in criminal and administrative cases, where the Reigning Monarch may elect to grant Royal
    Any natural person born to at least one parent who at time of the child’s birth is an Atlantean Citizen shall be, upon proper registration, considered an Atlantean Citizen for any and every purpose, unless and until such Atlantean Citizenship
 status is lost in accordance with another provision of this Constitution.
 Any person, upon proper request or application and after having successfully completed the Atlantean Readiness Program, shall be considered an Atlantean Citizen and eligible for a Government position, incorporation of business, acquisition of license to operate and lease of land for development, unless and until such Atlantean Citizenship status is lost in accordance with another
 provision of this Constitution.
 The Kingdom of Atlantis recognizes dual Citizenship. The acquisition or retention of Citizenship of a country other than The Kingdom of Atlantis shall
 be permitted within the reasonable discretion of the Reigning Monarch.
  The status of Atlantean Citizen, once acquired, may only be lost as a result of an act of treason against The Kingdom of Atlantis, voluntary and conscious renunciation of Citizenship, or conviction of a crime properly designated as a
 felony by the duly passed and Constitutional Laws of The Kingdom of Atlantis.
    The right to initiate amendments to this Constitution lies with members of the
 Board of Governors.
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Amendments to Chapters I, III, IV, and V of this Constitution shall require the approval of three-fourths of members of the Board of Governors, and must be
 signed by the Reigning Monarch.
 Amendments which modify or impair any right retained by the Atlantean Citizens under Chapter II must, in addition to satisfying the requirements set forth in Section 2 of this Article, be approved by at least two-thirds of those Citizens who have attained at least the age of 18 and chose to participate in a convention or vote on the issue. Procedures for the convention or vote may be set by the Board of Governors, but shall not infringe upon the principal of one person one vote, and shall protect the right of all interested Citizens to
 In accordance with the foregoing values, principles, and provisions, we the
 undersigned, do hereby ordain and approve this Constitution.
  Issued and Approved in Singapore, the 01st of January 2021
   H.E. Michael Puzzolante
 Chairman of the Board of Governors
 The Kingdom of Atlantis
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 By H.E. Chairman Michael Puzzolante
 THE ATLANTEAN METAPHYSICS is a Body of Knowledge that precisely describes Consciousness in all its Forms, the Supreme Being, the Physical Reality, the Spiritual Reality, Life, the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, the Unconscious Mind, the Human Body, the Human Senses, the Human Being, The State of Conscious Creator and answers questions that have never been answered before, such as:
What is Life?
Who or what is the Supreme Being?
Who or what is the Creator?
Is Mankind its own Creator?
What is the Physical Reality?
What is the Spiritual Reality?
Are we living in an illusion or matrix?
Are we creating the Physical Reality with our Thoughts?
Is the Physical Reality composed of 99,9999% emptiness?
What is the purpose of the Human Body and the Human Senses?
Why is the Physical Reality solid if it is composed of 99,9999% emptiness? How do our Thoughts express themselves in the Physical Reality?
Is each Human Being a Creator?
What is Creation?
What is a Consciousness Unit?
Is it true that a Consciousness Unit is eternal and immortal?
If Man is the Creator why don’t we create perfection?
Will we ever reach perfection in our Creative abilities?
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 What is the purpose of religions?
Are people who have outgrown religions better people?
Why are some people born in poor families and others in rich?
Who regulates our own birth or circumstances?
How long have we been on Planet Earth?
What is wrong with the Physical Reality nowadays?
Can we solve the problems of this particular Physical Reality?
Why do people suffer all their Life?
What is the future of the Human Race?
Is the Consciousness Unit the Creator of Thoughts?
Are Thoughts forces that live beyond Time and Space?
Are there Thoughts that annihilates each other’s?
How do we know what we are doing on Planet Earth?
Do animals have a Consciousness Unit?
What is an atom?
What is the purpose of Human Life?
Are Time and Space truly an illusion?
How does reincarnation work?
What happens to the Consciousness Unit and the Human Mind when the Human Body dies?
How long will it take for all Consciousness Units to become fully realized?
What the UFOs and Extra-Terrestrial Beings are all about?
THE ATLANTEAN METAPHYSICS is the only Body of Knowledge on Planet Earth that helps Humanity understand what are our origins, who we really are and where we are going.
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 Important Note:
While reading this article be very, very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is that he or she has gone past a word or phrase that was not understood. Trying to read past a misunderstood word results in mental "fogginess" and difficulty in comprehending the passages which follow. If you find yourself experiencing this, return to the last portion you understood easily, locate the misunderstood word and get it defined, using a good dictionary. Then, resume your reading right after the misunderstood word.
   THE KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS - 8 Eu Tong Sen Street, Suite 18-81, The Central, Singapore 059818- UEN: 201724697H Page 18
The Atlantean Metaphysics is the study of the Physical Reality we all are living in. A study of the Human Mind by Human Beings.
It is an abstract and speculative study that includes Mankind and Life itself.
It is a Body of Knowledge as old as Mankind and many discoveries have been made by the great thinkers of the past, such as Jesus The Christ, The Buddha, Krishna, Lao- Tzu, Mohammad, Plato, Aristotle and many others,
In no way do I intend to put myself on the same level as the great thinkers of the past, but in my own way I feel that I have discovered many clues that help me to live my Life gracefully and with an inner smile.
Possibly, I could share some of these clues with my fellow men in this changing Physical Reality where coronavirus, economic collapse and new world order are becoming the only topic to talk about.
I have researched, developed, designed, studied and applied the Atlantean Metaphysics in my Life for more than thirty years and I have come to amazing conclusions.
This is due to the fact that my intuition, or recall of my past, reached a higher level and this has helped me to look at Life from a different perspective.
Also, I received and delivered thousands of hours of Atlantean Metaphysics Counseling that taught me that there was a lot more to Life than I had ever expected.
I gained a knowing about Life that is worth more to me than what is taught by the majority of the religions and universities on Planet Earth.
And here are some of my conclusions.
First of all, we all live forever because we are immortal and eternal Consciousness Units!
The death of our Human Body is not the end of our existence since we continue to exist in a different mode.
What we have learned during our Physical existence is registered in our Human Mind and it becomes available to us in the future.
In other words, nothing is ever lost and all our experiences become the source of knowledge and wisdom in our future endeavors.
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 Secondly, each lifetime or existence is a self-chosen affair and we select lifetimes according to our needs.
As Consciousness Units we live more than one lifetime and, in each lifetime, we gather knowledge and experience.
We all are children of the Supreme Being and the wisdom gained in the past, determines the way we behave in the Present Time.
As Consciousness Units, we are individualized aspects of the Supreme Being driven by values and desires.
Thirdly, Life itself is not governed by a system of punishment or rewards.
A Consciousness Unit is an expression of the Supreme Being, which is a Static and Neutral Energy in essence.
We are our own masters and the consequences of our actions, in our lifetimes on Planet Earth, are dealt with upon returning to the Spiritual Reality.
As a Consciousness Unit, we survive our Human Body and this forms the continuation of our eternal and infinite existence.
If some actions in our lifetimes have been less than desirable, according to our own judgment, it is possible to correct or compensate for these in other lifetimes.
We are reborn then, under conditions that make it possible for us to enjoy or endure the fruits of our past.
We are the ones who judge our own behavior and we have no other option but to fulfill our destiny in order to progress toward higher levels of awareness in accordance with the Universal Law.
This Universal Law is the Law of the Supreme Being we all are!
In short, this amounts to knowing that all of us, as Consciousness Units, are parcels of the Supreme Being.
Fourthly, we, as Consciousness Units, have always existed for we are manifestations of the Supreme Being.
This means that we participate in creating the Physical Reality at all times with our Thoughts.
Matter, Energy, Space and Time are commodities that are perceived by us, as Consciousness Units, via the Senses of our Human Body and our Conscious Mind.
Matter, Energy, Space and Time form the Physical Reality that we accept as real.
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 In actuality, Matter, Energy, Space and Time are composed of specific Electromagnetic Waves or more precisely Vibration Frequencies.
This is the reason why the Physical Reality we are living in is 99,9999% emptiness! It can be reduced to a Vibration Frequency!
In other words, Matter, Energy, Space and Time form the illusionary scenery or stage upon which we, as Human Beings, perform our play.
The Consciousness Units we all are, create Thoughts, which are composed of Vibration Frequencies.
The Physical Reality exists within a specific range of Vibration Frequency.
There is only the Supreme Being to find, in different forms, aspects or manifestations.
There is nothing else.
In consequence, our Human Body is but a specific set of Vibration Frequencies we accept as solid or real.
We are Consciousness Units who live within the Supreme Being. The Supreme Being is the Original Source or Original Cause.
All forms, aspects or manifestations of the Supreme Being, are miniature copies of the Original Source or Original Cause.
We are the Creator and the Created at the same time.
Our entire existence or Life takes place in the Physical and Spiritual Realities, which are aspects or Thoughts of the Supreme Being.
We, as Human Beings, live within a certain realm of the Supreme Being, known as the Physical Reality, and we are the witnesses of our own Life or reality!
To study the Atlantean Metaphysics will prove to each and every one of us that we are the Creator and the Created at the same time, which is to say the Supreme Being and Man at the same time!
The drastic changes happening in the Physical Reality, at the Present Time, are part and parcel of the transformation we are experiencing from the Third Density expression of Mankind, into the Fourth and Fifth Density expression of ourselves, which we call The State of Conscious Creator in the Atlantean Metaphysics.
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 We all will become more Aware of our own greatness as Consciousness Units.
We will also become more familiar with the many endeavors we have been engaged in, since the Creation of the Physical Reality.
We have been here from the Beginning of Creation.
This Physical Reality is still going to be our home for a long time to come.
In the very near future, we will be introduced again to Evolved Consciousness Beings who are our Guardians.
They left us in isolation, here on Planet Earth, for the last ten thousand years or so, in order for us to descend deeper into our Physical Reality or Matter Creation.
In the future, we will reach for the stars, technically as well as Spiritually. We are the Creator or the Supreme Being in the form of Mankind.
The Supreme Being is the Original Source or Original Cause and we, as Consciousness Units, are small copies of the Original.
Infinitely small copies, but complete!
This means that we have the same characteristics as the Supreme Being and all we need to do is recognize this and nurture our inner nature.
Naturally, there is no way whatsoever that I want you to believe all this and whether I am right or wrong is a matter of your discernment.
It took me more than thirty years of this Lifetime to come to these conclusions and possibly I've been at it for many lifetimes before.
Time however, as well as lifetimes, are but temporary illusions.
I know that I will live infinitely because I am a manifestation of the Supreme Being!
When I live in the Physical Reality, my Human Body functions as my individual space suit.
We all are here to discover who or what we really are and, so far, I am doing extremely well at it.
The Planet upon which we live, at the Present Time, is like a gigantic school. We all pass through this school.
Many have gone before us and no doubt, many will follow.
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 All Lives are lived simultaneously.
There are different grades in this school and the majority of the students vary from infant to baby to young Consciousness Units.
Then, there are some mature Consciousness Units and a few old ones.
I place myself around the 70% finished mark with this particular Earth curriculum.
It really does not matter however where one is located, for our Lives are not necessarily lived in a precise sequence of progression on the ladder of Awareness.
So, it is well possible that I have to finish some simpler Lives yet and on the other hand I might have to experience a few Lives on the higher end of the spectrum as well.
All Lives are lived simultaneously anyway, so I only refer to my progression from a linear point of view.
When I return to the Spiritual Reality, I will find out for sure where I stand on the ladder of Awareness.
No doubt there is always more to go.
As a rule, however, my Mind is too jumpy to be subdued to the clarity of the sublime.
No big deal for me, some time ago I decided to stay in the midst of things and try to share some of my Thoughts and ideas with Humanity.
I know that Life is a self-made affair and my self-judgment is one of joyous approval.
That's why I have this inner smile and this means naturally that I am happy to be where I am and feel rewarded by what I am doing.
I would like to project you in the same State of Mind for it is most enjoyable and I hope that it is contagious!
The Atlantean Metaphysics is the study of the Physical Reality, the study of Life, the study of Consciousness and the study of the Source of Creation – The Supreme Being.
To study the Atlantean Metaphysics is a tremendous task.
In order to begin we could ask ourselves the following questions: Why are we alive?
  THE KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS - 8 Eu Tong Sen Street, Suite 18-81, The Central, Singapore 059818- UEN: 201724697H Page 23
 What is a Consciousness Unit?
Who created the Consciousness Unit?
What is the purpose of our Life?
Who or what is the Creator of the Physical Reality?
Will this Physical Reality ever come to an end and how?
And yes, last of all, who or what really are we?
The above questions will be answered one at a time.
We will see that all questions are really interconnected because the Physical Reality, the Spiritual Reality and Mankind are really the Supreme Being!
Please consider the following with an open Mind.
Why are we alive?
We, as Human Beings, are alive because we, as Consciousness Units, have always been alive since the Beginning of Creation!
At this stage of our Human Life however, or at this stage of our journey through our Creation, many of us do not remember that we are immortal and eternal Consciousness Units, for our memory has been blocked on purpose.
This was not always the case.
Meanwhile, the lessons of our Life or the study and practice of the Atlantean Metaphysics will teach us to remember who or what we really are.
Infinite Life is an infinite cycle.
What really is a Consciousness Unit?
The Consciousness Unit, who is fundamentally who we really are, lives in the Spiritual Reality and other realities.
The Physical Reality is one of these other realities and we, as Human Beings, are the containers in which we, as Consciousness Units, dwell for the sake of experiencing the Human condition.
A Consciousness Unit is a manifestation of the Supreme Being and it is a Creator in its own right.
A Consciousness Unit is an exact copy of the Supreme Being.
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 We do not have a Consciousness.
We all are immortal and eternal Consciousness Units.
This is who we really are.
Who created the Consciousness Unit?
The Supreme Being has seemingly divided itself into Consciousness Units.
Each Consciousness Unit is a miniature Creator and it creates its own Life and reality.
When a Consciousness Unit finds itself associated with a Human Body and a Human Mind, in the Physical Reality, it is called a Human Being.
The experiences of a Consciousness Unit and the wisdom gathered by these experiences form the character or personality of this particular Consciousness Unit.
Basically, a Consciousness Unit is the student and the teacher simultaneously.
Under the guidance of our Guardians, who are Evolved Consciousness Beings, all experiences are self-chosen.
These experiences form the curriculum the Consciousness Unit goes through in order to promote itself to more advanced levels of Awareness.
In each lifetime the Consciousness Unit learns more and more and the experiences, skills and abilities accumulate over the ages in his Mind.
That is why certain individuals are wiser than others as they bring their Mind with them lives after lives.
No Consciousness Unit however is more than another.
We all are the Supreme Being individualized as Human Being.
What really is the purpose of our Life?
The purpose of our Life is to eventually become wiser and wiser and, in the long run, recognize ourselves as the Supreme Being in Human form.
The purpose of Life is complete self-knowledge or the attainment of The State of Conscious Creator!
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 The State of Conscious Creator is defined as: “The total certainty of being an eternal and immortal Consciousness Unit who is fully Aware that he is creating his own Reality by mean of his Thoughts and who is fully Aware that he is a manifestation of the Supreme Being in Human form.”
In the meantime, there are as many goals and purposes in this particular Physical Reality as there are Consciousness Units.
Planet Earth is a school for Consciousness Units in which all of us will eventually reach The State of Conscious Creator by studying and applying the Atlantean Metaphysics on a daily basis.
Who or what is the Creator of the Physical Reality?
We, as Consciousness Units, are manifestations of the Supreme Being and we are the Creators of the Physical Reality we are living in.
However, the Physical Reality is a “we-thing” and there are Evolved Consciousness Beings, in the Spiritual Reality, who are responsible for Mankind.
These Evolved Consciousness Beings create whatever is necessary for Human Beings to graduate.
Time and/or Space however are aspects of our Creative endeavor.
We cannot really speak of a Beginning in Time, since we, as Consciousness Units, had to learn to live in Time and Space as much as we had to learn to walk or speak.
Time and Space are illusionary conditions of the Human experience. We all create our own Reality or circumstances.
The Thoughts of the Consciousness Unit we are (either in or out of the Human Body), are the Creative forces that create the Physical Reality.
This Physical Reality is composed of our Thoughts in Physical form!
It is our Thoughts slowed down to a range of Vibration Frequency (Third Density) by which they become Physically real!
We, as Consciousness Units, are the first Source or Cause of the Physical Reality we live in.
This is true as Humanity and as individual Consciousness Units.
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 We all create our own reality, circumstances and happenings.
The Physical Reality we perceive is the product of our Thoughts!
Our Human Mind is the Supreme Being’s Mind scaled down to Human size.
There is but one Mind however and it is the Mind of the Supreme Being!
To discover that all this is true is an aspect of our education as Consciousness Units. Will the Physical Reality ever come to an end?
This particular Physical Reality will eventually come to an end, but as long as there are Consciousness Units interested in a Physical existence in a Third Density Universe there will always be other Physical Realities to exist upon.
Mind and Thoughts, as Creative forces, will forever cycle and expand.
The expansion of the Supreme Being’s Mind is not solely dependent on Life in the Physical Reality.
Energy follows Thought, not the reverse.
The answer as to "how" the Physical Reality will come to an end is simple.
All we need to do is quit thinking Thoughts about the Physical Reality, which means stopping to create the Physical Reality by mean of our Thoughts.
This, obviously, will never happen!
Evolution is an infinite cycle without beginning or end.
The Supreme Being’s Mind and our Thoughts are the forces that manifest the Physical Reality.
Again, Energy follows Thought, not the reverse.
However, many other forces, all over the Physical and Spiritual Realities, are participants in the Creation of our Physical Reality.
We are the Supreme Being in Human form, and we live in a Physical Reality system.
Living in a Physical Reality system is a specific aspect of Spiritual evolvement or education.
It is extremely difficult for ordinary Human Beings to understand who or what we really are since we have lost Conscious contact with the Supreme Being.
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 However, the Supreme Being and the Evolved Consciousness Beings who look after us, have not lost contact with us!
To reconnect with the Supreme Being is accomplished by attaining The State of Conscious Creator.
This is what all of us are trying to achieve on the school of Earth and the study and practice of the Atlantean Metaphysics is the remedy.
All things are interconnected!
In what we call the past we, as Consciousness Units, decided to create a Physical Reality system in order to live in it.
We had no idea what this really entailed or how difficult this really was going to be.
Our Creative endeavors however, after billions of years of patience and ingenuity, have brought forth this particular Physical Reality and all Human Beings in it.
We, as Human Beings, are the representatives or instruments of the Supreme Being.
To realize that this is so is the task we accepted as soon as we endeavored to isolate ourselves from the Supreme Being.
True isolation is impossible however, since we are and always will be the Source of existence or Life.
To forget that we are this Source depends on how far we allow ourselves to descend into our Physical Creation.
The deeper we descend into Materialism and technological gadgets, the more we forget about our Spiritual essence!
We, as Consciousness Units, have gone about as far into this Physical Reality as we need to in order to experience the full gamut of Physical Existence.
The State of Conscious Creator is the beginning of our return to the Supreme Being.
The whole of Creation, visible as well as invisible, is the Dream of the Creator we are and at this stage of our Dream we dream that we are Human Beings who are actively participating in the Creation of our Dream.
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 The Supreme Being is composed of Consciousness Units thinking and dreaming or creating Creations!
Mankind and the Physical Reality are but a small aspect of this Creation or Dream.
To awaken from our Dream and reach The State of Conscious Creator is the task of every Human Being.
We are Consciousness Units incarnated in Human Bodies.
We are manifestations of the Supreme Being and our purpose is to experience our Creation as Man.
We, as Consciousness Units, are the Supreme Being in a miniature version. This makes it impossible to obliterate or do away with ourselves!
Suicide then, or death in general, is not possible since we are the source of Life and, as such, immortal and eternal!
Leaving our Human Body is only a change in our “modus operandi.”
We have always been alive in one way or another.
Life is a "one time forever phenomenon" and Life does not come and go.
Physical Life manifests itself in cycles of enormous duration and in the most diverse ways possible.
We, as Human Beings, are but one of these wonderful ways.
It is also very important to understand that whether we believe the above or not, belief or lack thereof, is not enough to either confirm or deny it.
Things are the way they are!
The Laws and the activities of the Supreme Being are beyond belief.
At this stage we are Human Beings and our task is to figure out the processes of Life and the Laws that govern them.
Naturally, nobody can order us to do so, but true happiness will not be found until we begin to understand our Spiritual relationship with the Supreme Being.
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 The study and practice of the Atlantean Metaphysics is the study of the above assumptions and whether we study the Atlantean Metaphysics or not, will be the determining factor of our Mental preparedness in future times.
Future years on this Planet will be particularly difficult and once we are psychologically prepared, we will be able to confront them a lot better.
For some of us however, it is not possible to expand our Human Mind in order to fully grasp the extent of our Spiritual journey in just one lifetime, even though this is possible with the study and practice of the Atlantean Metaphysics.
However, we all live forever and all of us have to figure out the same puzzle sooner or later.
The sooner we start, the sooner we can relax and enjoy the show.
We are the Supreme Being alive!
Some religions tell us that God lives within us. What is really meant by God lives within us?
To many New Age people this means that we are the Supreme Being manifested as Human Beings.
To recognize and totally realize that this is our ultimate goal or purpose, is done by mean of achieving The State of Conscious Creator!
Why have these religions refused to tell us that we really are this Supreme Being or Creator?
Could it be that they really did not know themselves?
Could it be that religions are the blind who are leading the blinds!
Could it be that we needed to be ignorant of our greatness in order to experience a certain state of Mind?
Are we the Supreme Being descended into flesh or Matter?
Are we living Life as an ignorant Human Being on purpose?
Do we, as the source of existence and Life, need to experience Human Life?
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 Is it possible that we are the Creator and play games as Human Beings in order to entertain ourselves?
Do we create Human Beings and then hide within them to be discovered by the Human Mind – a Mind that turns out to be the Supreme Being's Mind?
Are we the Supreme Being and do not know it?
Why don't we know it?
Are we on a trip through our Creation?
Is there but one way to experience the full gamut of Human Life? Did we create ourselves, and then forget we did?
Are we lost in our own Creation?
Are we bored as the Creator and become Man in order to ask questions?
Could it be that the old teachings about the Creator or Supreme Being are all wrong? Who gave us these ideas?
Could it indeed be that all religions are wrong?
Is the Physical Reality a lie?
Is the force that lives within us, the initiator of all the above questions?
Why does this force want to know?
Are we and the Supreme Being, one?
Are we lost Gods and do not know it?
The Atlantean Metaphysics is an explanation of Life by means of words.
The Atlantean Metaphysics is also the study of reality.
What is reality?
Reality is what we experience and what we experience is the Creator's Dream.
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 What the Creator dreams or thinks becomes Reality.
We are this Creator!
The only reality that is important in our Life is the reality we experience.
The reality we experience is the reality we need and create.
The Physical Reality is a collective Creation made by all Consciousness Units but our perception of the Physical Reality is a personal one.
The Physical Reality and perception of it are different for every Human Being, because all of us are in different stages of evolvement or creativity and have different perception systems.
Many people experience realities in which they have encounters with UFOs and Extra- Terrestrial Beings.
Naturally, they have great trouble convincing other people what happened to them.
Before we can explain what UFOs really are, we first of all have to understand what the basic medium of this particular Physical Reality really is.
This particular Physical Reality is composed of Electromagnetic Waves or Vibration Frequencies, which are infinite in their variety and diversity.
They are part of our Thoughts engaged in the process of Creation!
The Physical Reality is an infinite ocean of Vibration Frequencies in continuous existence.
From this infinite ocean of Vibration Frequencies, which is created by the Supreme Being, arises everything that exists.
These Vibration Frequencies are part of the Thoughts we have created and they are engaged in the process of Creation.
Our Human Mind is an infinitely tiny aspect of the Supreme Being’s Mind.
All things in the Physical Reality are Vibration Frequencies that differ in patterns.
These Vibration Frequencies are created by all Consciousness Units or the Supreme Being.
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 Some scientists call this ocean of Vibration Frequencies “Quantum Foam” and the diversity of the Vibration Frequencies are the basis of all existence.
Specific types of Vibration Frequencies produce either the Physical Reality or the Spiritual Reality.
These types of Vibration Frequencies naturally include UFOs and Extra-Terrestrial Beings.
The question whether or not some people experience extraordinary experiences has always been difficult for the rest of Mankind to believe and whether these experiences are true or false has often been an endless topic of conversation.
Whatever an individual experiences, that experience is real to that individual.
Many people infer that certain people suffer from self-induced hallucinations and that certain things only take place in their Mind.
This is literally true for all things take place in everybody's Mind in the first place!
There is no Objective Reality out there as we all live only within the Supreme Being’s Mind.
The Supreme Being is that Subjective Reality we all live in!
We all live in and share it and when something unusual is experienced by one individual, it is experienced by all of us in a Subjective manner!
However, the majority of Mankind is unaware of what happens in the Supreme Being.
Even the most sensitive among us are still far too dense in term of Vibration Frequencies (Third Density) to be Aware of all that goes on in the Spiritual Reality.
No one Human Being can know all happenings in the Supreme Being.
Some experiences are indeed very unusual.
We cannot classify unusual experiences as unreal or nonsense however.
Life in the Physical Reality is a Creative endeavor and it is experienced by Consciousness Units.
This endeavor becomes reality for