
International Arab Media Network Director in the Philippines H.R.H. Princess Prof. Dr. Eden S.Trinidad, DHum, LittD, publishing the poem by Dr. Hasmukh Mehta.


Princess Poetess 


you are a good poetess

known for your kindness

with  easy access to all 

you are master of your own

the world has known 

your capability 

and capacity too 

let people not take you for the ride

And decide 

in their favour 

your work forever

Let  they not guide

and hide

their weaknesses

under your verses

people should look at you

and pass through your stewardship

to keep the process going

and becoming a serious project

get all those young poetesses

have an easy access

put their faces in the limelight 

and put the bright perspective  

By  doing so, you will become a creator

Hope for others as the pioneer

It shall bring not only an honour

but take you on the top of the ladder.

Copyright: Hasmukh Mehta

Monday, October 5, 2020

6:31 PM