
With video Director of the Arab Network in Mexico, Amb. Dr. Marlene pasini : Hello my dear friends 😇: Here in Mexico we are still in confinement, so today I want to share with you a fragment of my short novel: The Dance of the Butterflies 🦋

Hello my dear friends 😇: Here in Mexico we are still in confinement, so today I want to share with you a fragment of my short novel: The Dance of the Butterflies 🦋. These are two interwoven stories. The first of two characters who meet in a café ☕ and have a philosophical talk, the second story is about the life of the great cellist musician 🎻 Pau Casals of Catalan origin and who made Suite No. 1 of the great composer famous J. Sebastián Bach (1685), a musical piece that I really like. "The talk faded away little by little at the edge of the afternoon. Birds came and went disturbed among the tops of the trees perhaps sensing the approaching of the rain because the sky suddenly darkened. Not much happened of this when indeed a slight The drizzle began to fall, people were walking quickly on the asphalt, the waiters were passing between the tables, some mobile phones were ringing almost in unison, the metallic and scandalous noise of a spoon against the ground made more than one diner turn ... According to the English ritual, five o'clock in the afternoon was the perfect time for meeting and having tea, of course this place had the perfect setting for it, observing everything that happened here gave me the impression or the tremendous feeling of be in front of a movie scene that flows so fast that you hardly notice the changes of time, only action and more action. A couple of lightning bolts zigzagged in the wide sky " From my novel: The Dance of the Butterflies 🦋 Can not miss in your libraries 📚 Marlene Pasini Friends thank you for all your love, I love you very much